Thursday, August 19, 2021


omg I kind of forgot to update this, wow. Sorry!! I meant to come back, but I've been really busy and using my IRL journal soooo I kinda forgot that I had this digital one. ('-') so anyway, it's UPDATES time :P

SO MUCH has happened !! Good things, scary things, amazing things.......a LOT.

I made a new friend, she is super super awesome :) I met her because she's one of my partner's longtime friends (since like highschool!).  I'll refer to her as "Hypno", as that's part of her online artist name. The other day we all went out to eat together and after that, she and I added eachother in our phones and I invited her to the discord I have with my friends, so we talk a BUNCH on there now too. We're currently trying to plan our next time to hang out, but just us this time XD sorry to my partner, LOL (I'm just kidding, I mean we will be just me and Hypno but we're not purposely excluding my partner, he's just kind of far away and Hypno and I live pretty close by each other ^-^)

Also Hypno drew me a pic of my OC, Ryoka, and the pic is SO CUTE, OMG....

Hypno is really talented. :0 Hopefully we can hang out some more! She likes random adventures like I do, so we may use the Randonautica app to find something cool!

Oh, also I kind of .....yeah I went to VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I went to Vegas to celebrate my nephew's birthday!!! He's 5 now :) He lives out there, so I don't get to see him much, but I was so happy to see him in person again. We're both autistic so we relate on a nice level. He isn't verbal, but I talk to him about dinosaurs and Jurassic park (he loves dinosaurs like me !). His birthday gift from my moms and I was a big Indominus Rex toy that could "eat" other small dinos. 

While I was there I also experienced something that I had been DREAMING about for YEARS. I got to visit.....Zak Bagans' Haunted Museum!!!!! The experience was AMAZING. I was so amazed by all of it. I bought my first piece of ghost hunting equipment from the museum- my first EVER spirit box....I'm ready to start planning my first real ghost investigation!

More fun updates: My roommate got a fishy named Calypso, he is a beautiful male betta fish! 

Mental health wise, I've added new meditation types and vent journaling to my self-care routine. Something that I like to do is lay down on my back and focus on imagining a bright, pretty light (usually I make mine Pink or Yellow or Blue). I imagine this light moving over me and relaxing me. This usually helps me with my anxiety.

I hope I can update soon, instead of forgetting, but it happens so ...yeah. XD

Feeling: Decent feelings after therapy today :)

Listening to: Stronger - Kanye West (The daft punk remix thing)

Weather: super humid cuz of past days storms....

Okie, uh, bye!


  1. waaaaiiit did you split dye your hair?? It looks amazing!!

    I love love that art your friend made for you. Her art style is super cute!!!

    I'm glad it sounds like you're doing well, making new friends, and sounds like you are doing well mental-health-wise. I used to meditate a lot and found it helped with my anxiety, I should probably start doing that again lol.

    1. ^-^ thank you, it is a wig but i'm glad its convincing XD :)
      Hypno is a really awesome artist!
      Also yes, I 10000000000% recommend meditation, I used to think I was too fidgety/energetic to meditate, but I also love meditation where I can let my mind create images and free roam, rather than clearing it. But I also do see a huge amount of benefits from more traditionally understood clearing-mind-type meditations!! :)


Let's chat!! :)